(infrared rey) IR masterbatch

What is an infrared masterbatch?

Infrared masterbatch is known by names such as IR blocking masterbatch, IR absorbing masterbatch, infrared absorbing masterbatch, infrared resistant masterbatch.

The sun’s radiation includes ultraviolet rays, i.e. UV-visible and infrared rays, which both pass through greenhouse films and transparent polymer surfaces and cause heating of objects protected in it, such as products or in greenhouse films, especially soil and plants and … will be
In darkness and interruption of sunlight, this heat returns to the outside of the enclosed space with a wavelength in the range of E and causes heat loss and temperature reduction in greenhouses. which will cause damage to plants.
To prevent this from happening, you can use the infrared additive masterbatch, the same as Armen Polymer’s IR blocking masterbatch.

Advantages of infrared masterbatch

  • It prevents the passage of infrared rays with a long wavelength between 8 and 15 micrometers.

  • Using it in greenhouses will prevent energy loss.

  • Protecting the plant from freezing caused by the night cold in the cold seasons, especially in desert areas where the temperature difference between night and day is great.

  • Harvesting earlier and generating more income by creating new crops.

  • It does not have any harmful effect on the passage of visible and useful light through the greenhouse film.

Application of infrared masterbatch

Greenhouse movies